If the invention of writing marked the beginning of history itself, the appearance of the typewriter made it possible to refine this technique to unsuspected limits. The first great example came around 1865 under the signature of Rasmus Malling-Hansen. This prototype, named Malling-Hansen in honor of its in...
If the invention of writing marked the beginning of history itself, the appearance of the typewriter made it possible to refine this technique to unsuspected limits. The first great example came around 1865 under the signature of Rasmus Malling-Hansen. This prototype, named Malling-Hansen in honor of its inventor, was not exactly the first machine of its kind, but it was a pioneer in terms of its commercialization. The path continued in the following decades with the contributions of Remington or Hammond among others, which brought the machines to high levels of popularity. In the first decades of the 20th century, their use was already universal thanks to firms such as Smith Premier or Olivetti, with the arrival of the electric models developed by the International Business Machines Corporation. Today, such a fascinating world is the object of desire of collectors from all over the world.
If the general history of typewriters is fascinating, knowing the who's who of the manufacturers who popularized them is a must for collectors.
The first major criterion for classifying these antiques is whether or not they have a keyboard. In the first case, those with an index stand out, which were in turn divided into those with a circular, quadrangular or linear format, being very rare examples and, therefore, coveted. Among those with a keyboard, the main classification criterion is the key stroke (lower, upper, front, rosette...). Finally, the keyboard layout is another important factor for placing machines in one category or another. In spite of the common characteristics, each historical model has some singularities that make it unique and valuable.
Imposing antique Torpedo 6 typewriter. With German keyboard and in good working order. Imposing antique Torpedo 6...
Beautiful Continental typewriter with German keyboard and special keys. In very good condition and fine working order. Beautiful Continental typewriter with...
Beautiful Mercedes typewriter in excellent working order. German keyboard. Beautiful Mercedes typewriter in...
Rare and magnificent Hammond 12 typewriter. In excellent condition and working order. Rare and magnificent Hammond 12...
Astonishing German Continental typewriter in excellent condition. It works and types really fine. Astonishing German Continental...
Striking Underwood typewriter refinished in red. Collectors piece in perfect working order. Striking Underwood typewriter...
Amazing Royal 5 typwewriter Flatbed in very good working order. Original design. Amazing Royal 5 typwewriter Flatbed...
Outstanding Torpedo 6 typewriter in exceptional condition. Almost like new. In perfect working order. Outstanding Torpedo 6 typewriter in...
Antique Leitz Wetzlar binocular microscope, rare 1930 model. Precise...
Beautiful French verge fusee pocket watch in silver, circa 1840, with...
Antique set of Benique dilators in mahogany and brass case. A historical...
German Troubadour music box, c.1900, made of mahogany. Includes 9...
Antique silver paten, France, circa 1900. Features the Lamb of God and...
Antique Adler mahogany music box, crafted in Germany circa 1900....
Antique silver paten, France, circa 1900. Features the IHS symbol and...
Knight's Cross of the Order of Military Merit, red distinction for...
Gorgeous Nicolet N pocket watch with...