
Magnificent Gramophone His Master's Voice, 1905. Excellent reproduction sound.

Magnificent gramophone of the CIE Française du Gramophone, 1905. In good condition and working wonderfully.



This antique and elegant gramophone from 1905 was manufactured by CIE Française du Gramophone, as it is testified by a plate attached to one side of the wooden box. The reproducer was made by the Gramophone & Typewriter Company, a company which later became famous His Master´s Voice brand. This happened when the company purchased a picture named His Master´s Voice (with a dog listening to a gramophone) and turned the image into the brand´s logotype, also adopting the title (His Master´s Voice) as its commercial name. The gramophone is made of ancient oak wood, with a beautiful veneer and dark-gold color. It is square-shaped and has two hand-carved friezes which surround the box. On one of the sides we can see the before-mentioned label, showing the logo of the company (a naked angel lying down and holding a big feather) and the following inscription: CIE FRANÇAISE du GRAMOPHONE PARIS Brevete S,G,D,G en FRANCE et dans les principaux pays. The wood is in great condition and also the varnish that protects it. All the gears and the mechanisms are originals; they are in good condition and work perfectly. The motor is silent and the gramophone offers an incredible good sound. The horn is made of red-painted metal, and preserves the original paint. Its surface shows slight signs of wear, due to the trace of time, that in no means interfere in the sound of the gramophone, or in its antique charm. The reproducer is model EHXIBITION, made in the U.S.A., as it says in its surface. The piece made up by the horn and the reproducer, and also the arm that puts them together (made of polished silvery metal) is held and attached to the box by a metal elbow. The great sound and the excellent reproduction quality of this gramophone, together with its age and stunning looks, make of this item a beautiful collector´s item. Measurements: Base (width): 320 mm. Total width: 630 mm. Horn mouth (diameter): 630 mm.

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