
Peter Pan Gramophone, 1920's

Charming portable gramophone or picnic Peter Pan, made in England in the 1920's. Working.



This amazing article is a portable Peter Pan Gramophone, also called picnic gramophone. Made in London, England, in the 1920s, this gramophone has survived to our days in excellent condition and working order. Nowadays it is hard to find this kind of pieces in such a good condition, so this one is a real find. All its parts are original from the time when this device was made, from the reproducer to the motor. The Peter Pan gramophone is a classic in the field of portable sound reproducers, and in its day it was also known as cameraphone because of its resemblance to a photo camera when it is folded.These models were an invention of the Peter Pan Gramophone Company Ltd., London, and different models were produced and commercialized from 1920 to 1927. Among the various design there is one that even includes an alarm clock and awakens the dormer by playing the record previously located on the plate. Very popular during the decade to 1920's, the Peter Pan gramophone was used mostly for picnics and outings. Although they were made in England, these items also have Swiss parts and Thorens motors.When unfolded, the gramophone shows a turntable made up by two crossed rods of chromed metal that fold up and pack up accurately with the crank, reproducer and tone arm. On end opens to reveal the horn that pops up, made of the same flexible material that lines the outside of the box. The reproduced and the plate attached to the inside of the box bear inscriptions with the name of the article, PETER PAN GRAMOPHONE, and also the patent numbers.In essence, this striking Peter Pan gramophone is a rare and attractive piece, full of charm and that can still delight its owner by playing any kind of records.Measurements (folded): Width: 180 mm. Height: 150 mm. Depth: 120 mm.

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